Making Healthcare Better
Critical, life-saving treatments are being made possible by the availability of electronic medical records. They're improving efficiency, saving time and advancing care, which translates into better lives.
Instant access to medical records offers unique advantages to the health care industry: from scheduling appointments to outsourcing billing. From making collections across agencies to knowledge-based management. From governance of administrative procedures to cost controls.
Threat Symptoms
Significant challenges come with more sensitive information now available in a networked environment and with more people having access to it. Greater accessibility to information, while facilitating enhanced patient care and improved operational efficiency, heightens the need to maintain the privacy and integrity of sensitive, electronic patient healthcare data.
Compromised patient information can be both costly and deadly. Medical providers and healthcare institutions possess sensitive information such as social security, credit cards numbers, and medical prescriptions that are valuable to criminal communities. Add to that the how many users there are across a healthcare organization and you have an idea of what security teams, who are often limited in their ability to understand who is on the network, confront.
Added Complications
Further complicating the matter for providers is the need to keep patient records secure and confidential in order to comply with the Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability Act's (HIPAA) privacy and security regulations. Meeting the compliance mandates of government and industry regulation requires an extraordinarily high degree of control over how information is exchanged across the network is required.
A Cure Is Coming Soon
HIPAA mandates that all healthcare organizations that collect, transfer or access patient information must be able to verify security, confidentiality and privacy for that information. These requirements extend across all networks, systems and applications at hospitals, research institutions, insurance providers, federal agencies and private practices where patient data flows. The task is immense, and penalties for any non-compliance are severe.
Health care organizations rely on technologies such as Lawson, Epic and Cerner to insure responsive, quality patient care 24/7/365. By providing security teams the visibility and context to know precisely which users are communicating with which devices and mission critical systems. ISC8 empowers you with the tools to confidently secure your network and maintain regulatory compliance while providing transparent operation for healthcare professionals.